
Evolvers' founders based the company on the principles that robust software design, architecture and methodology play a very important role in developing solutions that can evolve with time, organization's changing business needs and new technologies; were scalable, flexible, configurable, maintainable, inter-operable and secure.

How We Evolve

Our clients’ ever-changing needs drive us to find innovative solutions, qualified candidates, and to implement technological advancements.

Business and technology are not static; they are constantly evolving.

We must evolve with our clients; thus, The Evolvers Group.


Our Evolution(tm) Methodology that builds the foundation and a framework to follow.


Our staff with a Quest to Excel, and to follow and improve the Processes.


Advanced tools and technologies that help implement Processes and assist People.

Our leadership

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Sandeep Sharma
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Shane Watson
Director - Human Resources
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Michelle Love
Director - Client Relations
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Lindsay LeJeune
Finance Officer