Texas DBITS Contract

State of Texas: Deliverables-Based Information Technology Services (DBITS)

DBITS contract provides deliverables-based information technology services to the State of Texas and Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Customers, acting by and through DIR.
Through this Cooperative Contracts Program, Evolvers can assist Texas state agencies, local governments, educational institutes, etc. with cost-effective acquisition of their information resources.

Contractor: The Evolvers Group, L.P.

Contract Number: DIR-CPO-4992

Vendor ID: 1752960146400

Image Description

About DBITS Contract

The Evolvers Group, L.P., offers deliverables-based information technology services (DBITS) through this contract, specifically: Technology Category 3: IT Assessments, Planning, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), and Market Research, Procurement Advisory, and Contract Implementation Services. This contract is for services ONLY. No hardware or software products may be sold through a DBITS contract. Resellers are not available for this DBITS contract.

Please view the DIR Cooperative Contracts program for Program Overview.

The Evolvers Group DBITS Services

IT Assessments, Planning, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), and Market Research, Procurement Advisory, and Contract Implementation Services.

  1. IT Assessments and Planning may include IT effectiveness, maturity, governance, and architecture. Strategic planning activities may include mission statement development, visioning and goals, objectives, and strategy development. Assessment of staff knowledge, skills and abilities, bandwidth, time and motion studies, and succession planning are included in this category. Strategic planning development and tactical planning may require the provisioning of actionable plans and roadmaps. Organization change management, enterprise architecture, cloud assessments, and network performance assessments are within scope as well.
  2. The independent verification and validation procedures can be used together for in-depth analysis of a product, service, or system for compliance with requirements as well as the independent oversight of software (or systems) development life cycle (SDLC) processes and specifications.
  3. Market Research, Procurement Advisory, and Contract Implementation Services activities may include requirements gathering, facilitation activities, scoring criteria development, evaluation criteria development, negotiation guidance and assistance, and contract transition assistance.
    1. Cost optimization including software license cost analysis;
    2. Financial planning and pricing structures;
    3. Market reviews/market research;
    4. Market engagement;
    5. Transition/implementation assistance;
    6. IT contract management assistance.

For more information of services offered under DBITS, please follow Deliverables-Based IT Services.

Statement of Work (SOW) Process

You can get familiar with the SOW Process Here

Contact Information

For Quotes, Purchase Orders and Warranty Information, Contact:

Michelle Love

Phone: (512) 865-0616

Fax: (469) 519-0110

Email: crm@evolversgroup.com

To place an order

  1. Follow the procedures under "How to Order" on DIR’s Deliverables-Based IT Services Evolvers' page.
  2. Evolvers must respond, in writing, to a SOW for services as issued by the Customer, consistent with the Terms and Conditions of the contract.
  3. The Customer will negotiate pricing of SOW deliverables with Evolvers.
  4. The SOW must be signed by authorized representatives of both the Customer and Evolvers.
  5. Evolvers will begin work after receiving the signed SOW and Purchase Order.